Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hot hot hot

So apparently, I'm a terrible blogger.

I never realized how tough personal time would be with two children! It's shocking right now that I'm sitting by myself at the computer. ;) Thankfully Braden's playing his room, and Cohen is entertained by Dad. Yay, some kind of mom time!

So far this summer has been really low key. We haven't done anything too extroadinary. We've gone swimming a few times, been to the park pretty much everyday. We haven't had the best weather this summer either, lots of rain and an insane amount of mosquitos. I do mean insane! Apparently we have mosquito traps ( i had no idea) usually there are only about 11(?) in the trap a year, this year at one point there was over 500, and then a few weeks later there was over 1000. So needless to say with a baby, and a mom who attracts mosquitos like they're going out of style - we haven't had much of a life.

As of today, I can get my licence!!!! FINALLY! It's only taken 10 years. Now it's just getting enough practice driving, so that I can pass said driving test haha.

I never really have any idea what I'm going to write. I usually feel ridiculous writing anything. But then I remember, no one ever reads these but me anyway. haha.

Cohen is no longer being entertained by his dad, he's trying to climb my legs. He's just about 10 months old. Where the past 10 months went, I have no idea! Then we have Braden, who turned SEVEN on August 7th. I can't even believe that my baby is 7 years old, starting grade 2, and is as mouthy as ever!! Love my boys <3

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So excited for spring! The sun is finally shining, the birds are chirping,there are puddles EVERYWHERE! And I don't have to dress Cohen and I in layers when we go for walks now, which is amazing! We got a new wrap in March, it's a woven. I can wear him on my back now, but that's proving to be quite challenging. I'll get the hang of it eventually!

Cohen is almost 6 months old now. When he was weighed on March 1st, he was 19lbs 2 1/2 oz! He's a big boy <3 he did however have a head start haha.
He got really sick in December, and on New years day, we went to the hospital and it turned out that he had RSV. Worst day ever! He had to have a chest xray, an iv, blood work. It was awful. Thankfully he's 100% now, and hasn't been sick since. He's sitting by himself now.. He loves to sit! I still haven't put him in his crib to sleep, I just don't like him being very far away, and co-sleeping works for us!

Big Brother Braden, is doing amazing! He just finished up his first season of Hockey! He loved it, and has told us that he wants to play again next year! yay!
He received "Most Improved Student" award at school, AND "Academic Acheivement in Science" Proud momma bear right here. He also lost his first tooth yesterday! He's growing up so fast. And is as mouthy as ever :) he comes by it naturally ;)

I'm finding it hard to find time for myself! Cohen won't take a bottle, so I can't leave him for longish periods of time. Which is okay most days, but sometimes it would be wonderful!

Anyway, I think I've babbled to myself long enough!

Friday, November 19, 2010

what's sleep?

One son sick with the flu + the other son screaming cuz he wants food = one overwhelmed and sleep deprived momma.. Starbucks is my best friend today.

On the plus side Braden woke up feeling much better and showed me his loose tooth, and Cohen has been pretty content on his playmat, or sitting on my lap, smiling away and looking up at me. I haven't been able to capture his smile in a picture yet though! Soon!

Lucy needs dog food, and it's -25 outside. It's absolutely feeling like christmas, but my god it's not even december yet! Nathan's gonna have fun putting up the christmas lights!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


40 weeks 1 day!

Mr. Cohen Nathaniel - Born October 16th 2010 at 2:59am, weighing in at.... 10lbs 1oz!!! He's a small tank haha.. He was two days late. But was he ever worth the wait <3

I've never written a birth story before, so here goes my first attempt.

I'd had my OB appointment on the monday before he was born and was 2cm, and thick. Dr told me that if baby was still in there by my next appointment that we would be talking about setting an induction date. NO THANKS! Apparently Cohen was completely content with my decision on that lol because i started to lose my mucus plug on thursday, and was having real contractions starting on friday afternoon (which I was trying to make myself believe they were still just braxton hicks) So I was continuing my day at the new house (oh yeah! we got a house and moved two weeks before I gave birth lol) unpacking boxes, etc. When I went to pick Braden up from school, it felt like baby was going to fall out. He was SO low. So when Nathan got home from work, we did a little bit of running around, we were walking through the mall picking Braden up a water bottle for Hockey practice, and I couldn't do it anymore. It was SO uncomfortable walking. So we went home, had some supper - and then started watching Prince of Persia (which I didn't get to finish watching) Braden was colouring and I was folding laundry when I decided that we should probably head to the hospital. So I got Braden ready and tucked into bed, and warned him that I might not be there in the morning, but Uncle CJ would be. And I told him he might have a little brother pretty quick. Gave hugs and kisses, and off we went. We got to the hospital at about 9:30, and were sent upstairs immediately. I was 4cm and about 50% effaced. They hooked me up to the blood pressure machine and my nurse was not too pleased. My blood pressure was HIGH. So the on call OB came in, and told me that if my blood pressure didn't go down then I would have to get the epidural. I did NOT want an epidural by anymeans. It was NOT part of my birth plan. My nurse had even said she was the most "granola" nurse there and supported my decision on that 100% until my blood pressure was 167/113. Far too high, the risk of placental abruption and me seizing were too high. So I reluctantly got the epidural, crying my face off the entire time. I was ridiculously disappointed.

After awhile the ob came in and was apparently concerned about there being meconium in my bag of waters, so decided to break them. (GROSSEST FEELING EVER!) that was at 11:40 and that's when labour kicked into high speed. At one point my contractions were right on top of each other, I could barely breathe inbetween them. I ended up getting sick too, yum. The nurse I had went on break (I was not impressed lol) so another one came on, I didn't much like her. Thankfully Teresa (the nurse I liked) came back early. I had told the other nurse that I was feeling pressure, but she didnt do anything. So when Teresa came back on, I told her. So she checked me, and low and behold I was 10cm. I went from 7cm to 10 in about twenty minutes. Pretty crazy.

So it ended up that there wer 21 births that same night, and only ONE ob on. So while I was ready to go, the OB was in a c-section. So Teresa got me to push, and immediately told me to stop, as he was RIGHT there. (yeah good luck telling me to stop pushing when there's so much pressure!) She went to check to see where the OB was, turns out she was going to be twenty minutes still, and there was no way I could wait that long. So She went and got the charge nurse and told me to start pushing. And after 4 pushes, and Her very first time delivering a baby - Cohen Nathaniel was born into the world!

Bright eyed and bushy tailed. He let out one huge wail, and then just looked around. He is PERFECT! He took to the breast wonderfully. There were some things that I was pretty disappointed with, like having to get the epidural, and she didn't place him on my belly immediately. Other then that, everything was pretty good. I had some hemmoraging, and it took longer to deliver the placenta then it did him haha.

We got to the leave the hospital the same day. Thank god! I'm not a fan of hospitals, so I didn't want to be there any longer then I had to.

Braden is an amazing big brother, and was bursting at the seams when he got to meet Cohen. It was amazing <3

Cohen is now 1 month 2 days old, and pretty amazing. Breastfeeding is going extremely well, he's a great sleeper, and overall pretty content. He definitely has a set of lungs on him though haha. It can really start to hurt the ears.

Nathan is doing wonderfully as a new Daddy. He adores the boys.

Life with two is pretty incredible. There definitely some overwhelming parts, but overall I'm so happy.. Now if I could get some un interrupted sleep, that would make it perfect! lol

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stress, Stress and more Stress.

Ha! and to think I thought I was a bad blogger before. Now I'm going on two months of no blogs. Oh well. It's a good thing it's just me who reads these haha.

I'm super frustrated, and stressed with everything right now. I'm 33 weeks pregnant as of tomorrow. We don't have a crib, car seat/stroller combo, swing, bouncy chair. Pretty much anything but clothes and a bassinet. We don't even have a house to move into. So as of right now, we're all crammed into a tiny two bedroom townhouse. Braden's room is becoming over run by baby stuff, I feel bad. He shouldn't have to share his room, but it looks like it's going to be that way for now. Not fair.

Nathan's attitude, is beyond infuriating. I honestly think that it would be easier to be doing this pregnancy on my own, like I did with Braden. At least then I didn't have any expectations for someone else. He has no interest in really feeling the baby move, he just rolls his eyes at me if I tell him I'm uncomfortable. I'm so sorry, I'm GROWING A PERSON! I am an incubator, and have to share my body with this little man, so that means limited sleep for me due to having to pee every hour, waking up to heartburn, and not being able to sleep on my stomach due to the beach ball I have growing under my shirt. My bad. You continue with your uninterrupted sleeps. UGH!

My not so little, little boy - turned 6 on August 7th. I cannot believe that my little boy is 6 years old!!!! We went to the splash park for his party. It was soooo hot that day. He got to hang out with a bunch of his friends, and had a blast! He got spoiled rotten, as per usual. He's a lucky little boy! He starts grade one on Sept 1st. YIKES! He's growing so fast!

Anyway, I'm exhausted and babbling.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm not a very good blooger

So apparently it's been awhile. oops!

Braden only has five more days of school left. WOW! then it's summer break - then he's off to grade one. My god. He's growing up so fast!
His attitude is pretty ridiculous though. I'm at the point where I have no idea what to do with him anymore. Nothing works - taking aways toys/bike/cartoons everything. It doesn't phase him. SO FRUSTERATING!

Nathan is done school on Friday too. Thank god. Maybe life can go back to be a little more normal. When he's done - he wants to go back to camp to work. Me = not excited. I hate hate hate camp. It's long, lonely and so bloody hard! He's gone for 2-3 weeks at a time and only home for 5ish days. The money is great - but not really worth it. However, it will help us get a house sooner. So that's a bonus. But still. bah!

I'm approximately 25 weeks pregnant with a BOY! yep, i'm going to be completely outnumbered by boys now haha. It's so much harder figuring out names this time. Nathan LOVES Jack. I however, am not the biggest fan. I LOVE Cohen. I really hope he will agree to that name haha. I was doing SO good with the weight gain - then from my last doctor's appointment on may 19 to my OB appointment yesterday, i somehow gained 10lbs. SO BRUTAL! I didn't change my eating at all. I'm still active. It doesn't make much sense, and I'M PISSED! I feel so ginormous right now. I know i'm 6 months pregnant, but still. I'm terrified to see how much more i'll gain - so I want to start going for major walks everynight. Thanksfully with school letting out in a week, Braden can stay up a smidge bit later, and we can go for walks. This little man is very very active. It's been six years since my last pregnancy - but I so don't remember Braden being this active haha. He sure likes my ribs!

Bah, i really don't want Nathan to go to camp :(

Rise Against is coming in september. I want to go so bad! I'll be hugely pregnant. but meh! lol. My frend and I are due about a day apart. So if we go, we'll be the giany prego's. lol.

Anyway - my feet are falling asleep sitting on the front step writing this.. It's been so ridiculously nice out! I'm sporting quite the tan! I'm not however sleeping very well. Ah pregnancy.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hello little Alien Baby

So last week went as follows - Monday was +29 tolerable still sweat my ass off. Tuesday was +31 i was dying of heat!! I'm so screwed this summer is all I have to say. I thought being pregnant with Braden was bad in July - but with this one, I'm pregnant ALL SUMMER! haha. Oh man. I need an air conditioner :p

So we got a bit of a thunderstorm on tuesday night, cooled the house right down so I was able to sleep a little bit. So we go from +31 on tuesday to +4 yesterday (friday) and it's been raining since thursday. hello mosquitos. So now it's may long weekend, and I have a few crazy friends who have gone camping. If i had a trailer I would so be out of the city - but alas I'm not tenting it on may long, when there's still a chance of snow!

So I went for my ultrasound last friday - Baby is so active! summersaults and stretching one way, then going the other. Definitely not a lazy baby in there ha. buuuuuuut baby was soooo active, that we couldn't find out what we're having! The ultrasound tech wants me to have another one though because she said she didn't get clear enough of pictures of baby's heart (but that baby's heart is 100% good) So hopefully we can go for another one, and maybe we can find out! First time we heard the heartbeat it was 156, second time (same day as the ultrasound) it was 130, and then at the ultrasound it was 156! I think it's a boy. I can't think of any boy names!!! If it is a boy, i can't name him Nathaniel - because that's dad's name so it'd be his middle name. And I can't name him Ethan - because my mom's boyfriends daughter named her son that. GRR!

Anyway - Braden is doing so well in school! The other morning we woke up at 7:37 (he's supposed to be getting dressed at that time ha!) and he was amazing all morning! Got dressed good, ate breakfast good, brushed teeth, got all his stuff for school ready. It was fantastic! And then the walked great to school too. I LOVE GOOD MORNINGS!
He's been pretty bummed about not being able to go outside really for the past few days - as it's far too wet outside to do so. So i was thinking today - maybe we'll take him to go and do something fun! Maybe a movie or something? He's being awfully cute right now, snuggled up on the couch watching the bugs bunny and tweety show. haha. I love him!

Nathan is still sleeping. He's been stressing out so hardcore about school. You're required to go to school, BUT they've crammed a four year program into three. RIDICULOUS! You have eight weeks to complete this course, when you should at the very minimum twelve! It's just a buncha white collared men sitting in an office - who have never been on the floor doing the actual job, who make up the course and write the final exams. So Nathan is usually at the kitchen table (which i hardly recognize anymore, due to all his school work spread around) reading page after page etc. Not to mention his allergies are acting up and his eyes are killing him. I feel so bad for him :(

and then there's me. 20 weeks pregnant. Not working. And terrified of what to expect with this labour! With Braden, i was ridiculously active - i walked to and from work everyday and I was also working two jobs. I was in good shape. This time. Not so much. I've been home since January 2009. Yes we walk plenty - to and from school and taking the dog for a walk. But it's not the same. It's not as much as I did with Braden. eeeeps! Please let this labour be as good as Braden's!!

My friend Ashley had her wee little man on may 15th. She did a home birth! She's pretty amazing. <3 I can't wait to meet the newest addition :)